Monday, September 12, 2016

237 got stuck!

This weekend we got to help Dad milk the cows.  During milking I was helping by teat spraying and shaving the cows so we could see their numbers.  We were almost finished when a cow decided to sit down.  Dad tried to get her back up, but she couldn't move as she was stuck!  We called the vet.  When he arrived he gave her some medicine to make her doozy.  Then he put a rope on her leg and moved her sideways and she got out.

We had to wait a little while for her to stand up.  Once she was up her leg was kicking because she had pins and needles from sitting too long.  The vet tried to get her out of the cowshed but he couldn't.  

After a little bit more time Dad managed to get her up the steps and out of the shed then she walked off to the paddock.


  1. Sophie
    I like how again you've added something different to the post by combining still photographs with video images. Really enjoyed you taking something that had happened on the farm and covered it. I also like how you've explained about how cows are numbered and thats something that I dont think everyone would realise (I didn't before I came into the area!).
    Mr Webb

  2. Dear Sophie,

    I live in a suburban area outside of Los Angeles. We never get a chance to see cows or learn about the dairy business, so thank you!

    I enjoyed your video that showed what happened. It was also interesting to see the inside of the barn. How many cows do you have? How long does it take to milk a cow? How much milk do you get per cow?

    Thanks for your post!

    Mrs. Y♥llis
    Los Angeles, California

  3. Hi Sophie,
    Great post and video. I love getting a look inside your dairy. Poor cow. Great job all of you for getting her up. I've had a cow go down and not want to get up once when I was alone on the farm. It sure is scary! We were having a blizzard and the vet had trouble getting to our house. Luckily, just like you guys, we were able to get her up. I was so relieved. You really have to be bave to be a farmer don't you?
    Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  4. Hi Sophie,

    I love your blog post. I live in a rural part of the UK where we do have cows but I have never seen one get stuck, that was really interesting. I hope she is OK.

    Thank you for sharing, it was lovely to read about what you do.
    Mr Rockey
    Head teacher, Wiltshire, UK
